
The purchase of these tickets implies acceptance of the general entry conditions.


All holders of full passes have access to camping as soon as it officially opens. Day ticket holders have access to camping only from 8:00 AM on the corresponding day until 12:00 PM the following day.

The camping area is limited, and the organization does not guarantee camping space for everyone.

Children up to and including 11 years old will be able to enter the festival for free whenever accompanied by parents or guardians. Children between 12 and 15 years old can enter the festival by paying full ticket price and must also be accompanied by parents or guardians. Guardians must carry the documentation that identifies them as such.

Access to camping is not possible without a valid ticket for Vodafone Paredes de Coura 2025.

General Conditions of Admission


The ticket purchase through any point of sale, online or physical, implies the acceptance of the following conditions:


1.1 The daily ticket or the full festival ticket will be exchanged for a wristband, placed upon the act of exchange. This exchange must be witnessed and loose wristbands will not be given. The daily ticket, the full festival ticket and the wristband are personal and non-transmissable. In case of loss or poor preservation of these elements, access to the site will not be authorized.
1.2 The festival organization will deny access to the site to the bearers of tickets in the following circumstances:
1.2.1 Tickets which are patched, torn or that present signs of forgery.
1.2.2 The bearer shows an attitude which is violent or that publicly incites hatred, violence or discrimination for reasons of origin, race, gender, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other social or personal condition or circumstance, and especially, the ticket bearer who behaves in an aggressive manner or who provokes disturbances outside the site upon entering, who carries arms or objects which are susceptible of being used as such, who has clothes, objects or symbols that assume the support of activities contrary to the fundamental rights recognized in the Constitution.
1.2.3 The bearer presents symptoms of intoxication or consuming, or having consumed drugs or illegal substances.
1.2.4 The exercise of the right of admission does not carry, in any case, the denial of access to the ticket bearer for reasons of origin, race, gender, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.
1.2.5 By entering the site, the public may be subjected to search according to the law. The entrance of objects that may be considered dangerous by the organization or which are forbidden by the existing law is not allowed.
1.2.6 The organization may deny access or expel from the site ticket bearers who incur in the non compliance of instructions of the organization’s employees, as well as when one can rationally assume that a situation of risk or danger for the bearer or the rest of the public, be it through apparent or potential intoxication, the ticket bearer being held responsible in all cases, through their own actions or omissions, that cause harm to third parties or damage to property.


Purchase of tickets for Vodafone Paredes de Coura presupposes the acceptance of the following conditions:

2.1 Once bought, the ticket will only be exchanged or reimbursed in case of event cancellation. It will be considered cancelled when suspension of more than half of programmed concerts is suspended. However, the ticket bearer will have the right to forfeit in the 7 days following its purchase, whenever it is made with a minimum of 7 days advance to the event. In this case, the organization will reimburse within no longer than 30 days from the public communication of the cancellation. Unfavourable climate conditions, natural disasters, closing of Portuguese air space or other causes of force majeure which are not imputable to the organization will not constitute a condition for ticket reimbursement.
2.2 The organization does not guarantee the authenticity of tickets that have not been acquired in the official points of sale. Ticket resale is not allowed. The festival organization will not assume any responsibility in case of loss of theft of tickets.
2.3 The ticket bearer recognizes that he may appear on images collected by different media within the festival sites for posterior informative and promotional broadcast, authorizing their use, being this use the responsibility of each medium.
2.4 Possession of a ticket does not give the bearer of third parties the right to use it or its contents for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes (including competitions, prizes and/or draws) associated to the ticket bearer or any third parties. Failure to fulfil this point will force the unauthorized announcer/ user to pay an effective penalty equivalent to a thousand times the value of the ticket(s), without loss of further complaints for general damages.
2.5 All rights of image and intellectual property are reserved. Any filming, recording or reproduction within the sites is forbidden, unless indicated by the organization.
2.6 Any person interested will find a book for registration of complaints in the festival site.
2.7 Entry of any kind of food and beverage, in plastic or glass containers, is expressly forbidden.
2.8 During the Festival, pets will not be allowed to enter the Festival grounds, except in accordance with Decree-Law No118/1999, of 14 April, which establishes the right of accessibility for the visually impaired, accompanied by guide dogs;


3.1 Children up to and including 11 years old will be able to enter the festival for free whenever accompanied by parents or guardians. Children between 12 and 15 years old can enter the festival by paying full ticket price and must also be accompanied by parents or guardians. Guardians must carry the documentation that identifies them as such.
3.2 The organization informs that current legislation expressly forbids sale of alcohol to those under the age of 18 years old.

4. Failure to comply with the above requirements is grounds for expulsion from the venue and does not entitle you to reimbursement of the amount paid for the entry.

7. Ritmos, Lda. reserves the right to nullify or modify any of the previous points. In this case, the public will be immediately notified through the communication channels which the organization deems appropriate or relevant.

8. The organization reserves the right to change or modify the programme.

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