Just as the twinkle in your eye can't be operated on, there's a kind of indie guitar arpeggio, a gling-gling-gling as glorious as it is recognizable, that you either have or you don't. Brazilian band Terno Rei reached the pinnacle of heart-warming, sincere indie in 2019 with their album Violeta. What happened after that achievement? Well, more happened. In 2022 came the album Gêmeos, an album more geared towards canonical indie, which makes more use of stylistic resources (acoustic textures, mid-tempos, free arrangements...), all of which established Terno Rei as one of the big names in Brazilian indie. And now, in 2025, comes their fifth album, made up of 13 unreleased songs that show the band at the most creative moment of their entire career. Born in São Paulo, Terno Rei emerged in 2010 and is made up of Ale Sater, Bruno Paschoal, Greg Maya and Luis Cardoso.