Connected to music throughout his life, Curtis Harding was born and raised in Michigan where his mother, a gospel artist, introduced him to live performances. But while his mother's gospel praised the sacred, his sister's rap tapes showed him the beauty of another genre. Between gospel, hip-hop and garage rock, Harding eventually sang with CeeLo Green before reaching his own sound: a definition of soul that includes several experiences of the musician from the punk scene of Atlanta to rap concerts or the sound of a bar where Cole Alexander, of the Black Lips, was playing the classic gospel that his mother had shown him. United by this passion, the two formed Night Sun, a collaborative that mixed R&B and garage rock. Harding's voice woke up the publisher's curiosity and earned him a deal for "Soul Power," the first solo album that appeared in 2014. The album received excited reviews and, after signing on Anti, Harding arrived with "Face Your Fear ". The record of 2017 is the culmination of his various lives as a musician. A combination of sounds and experiences that made him create his own niche. A voice that transmits pain, pleasure, longing, sadness and strength in a full range of emotions to see, and feel, at the river beach of Taboão.